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Auto Numbering

When a new document is created, WonderPen attempts to autonumber based on the title of the previous document. For example, the title of the previous document is Chapter 1, then the title of the new document will be automatically set to Chapter 2.

If the title of the previous document is in the form of a date like 2022-01-25, then the title of the new document will be automatically set to the date of the next day, such as 2022-01-26.

When writing a diary, this function should be more useful.

Although the function of automatic numbering is very powerful, it also has some disadvantages. For example, after writing several chapters, if you want to add or delete a chapter in the middle, then all the chapter numbers after this chapter need to be modified. If you don't want to make manual changes, you can use macro when naming chapters.

In WonderPen, you can use {$N} to represent the current chapter number, which will be replaced with the correct chapter number when displaying or exporting. As shown below:

Auto Numbering

The Chapter {$N} in the image above will be displayed as Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, ..., etc. in the non-editing state or when exporting.

{$N} indicates the serial number of the current document at the current level, starting from 1. There is also a {$N0}, the effect is similar, the difference is that the numbering starts from 0.

Numbering also supports adding numbers, the syntax is {$N+x}, where x is the number you want to add. Sometimes, you may need to start numbering from a specific chapter, such as the first document in a folder is not chapter 1, but chapter 50, then you can use {$N+49} or {$N0+50} to specify the number.


Note that the above symbols cannot contain spaces, otherwise they will be output as they are.