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Features and Highlights

WonderPen is an application focused on writing, dedicated to improving the author's writing experience and efficiency. Some of the features are listed below.

Directory Tree

WonderPen uses a tree-like directory to organize documents, so it is very suitable for long-form writing. You can complete the work from top to bottom, or you can draw up an outline in the table of contents and then complete it one by one.


Tables of contents can be easily indented and drag-and-drop sorted.

Sometimes you may want to focus on a branch on the directory tree, especially if the directory tree is complex or deeply nested. At this time, you can select the directory branch you are concerned about, right-click on it, and click Select Focus in the pop-up menu, and the rest of the directory tree will be hidden. Click Unfocus in the right-click menu again, and it will return to the state of displaying the complete directory tree.


When the writing is completed, the root node of the tree-like directory can be selected, and it and all its sub-nodes can be exported as a file (folder).

Composition Mode

Click the Composition Mode button on the top toolbar to enter composition mode. In this mode, WonderPen will be displayed in full screen, and all content unrelated to the current document will be hidden to reduce interference.

Enter Composition Mode

In composition mode, you can press Esc at any time to exit full screen and return to normal mode.

Export to Multiple Formats

Click the "Export" button on the top toolbar to pop up the export window.


Exporting documents to the following formats is currently supported:

  • Image (PNG)
  • PDF
  • Word (docx)
  • Epub
  • Web pages (HTML)
  • Text/Markdown

When exporting, you can select only one document, or select multiple documents at one time, that is, you can easily export multiple documents (chapters) together as an e-book.

Hot Save and Backup

When the content in the editor changes, WonderPen will save your writing progress at any time, no need to manually press Ctrl + S, and never worry about forgetting to save and losing your work.

Data is the hard work of every writer, we take the security of work data very seriously. WonderPen has the double backup function of full library backup & document snapshot.

In the Backup panel of the Settings window, you can perform a full library backup of all data. By default, automatic backup is enabled, and a full backup of the current library is automatically performed every 15 minutes.

Deleted a document and regretted it? Don't worry, you can always restore to a previous backup.

Backup the Library

At the same time, each document can also save snapshots, and view or restore to the previous version at any time as needed. For details, please refer to the Snapshot chapter.


WonderPen supports Markdown syntax, if you don't know Markdown, you can simply use plain text for writing. However, if you want more control over the formatting of the text, such as font bold, adding hyperlinks, etc., you can write in Markdown syntax.

The syntax of Markdown is easy to get started with, here is a brief introduction.

Memos and Cards

In many cases, writing articles is not done in one go from top to bottom, but requires the author to repeatedly modify and polish. During the writing process, you may have some reference materials that you want to check, or some new ideas that you want to record, or inspiration suddenly flashes, at this time, you may need the Memo or Card functions.

Memos and Cards in the right sidebar can be used for reference during the writing process, or to record temporary ideas, which will not appear in the final output document.


Minimal Mode

Sometimes you may just want to hide extraneous elements such as toolbars, but don't want the entire application to be full-screen, then you can enable the Minimal Mode.

Move the mouse to the top toolbar, an arrow icon will appear on the right (as shown in the figure below), click this arrow icon to enter the minimal mode.

Minimal Mode

In minimal mode, irrelevant elements other than the editor will be hidden to reduce writing distractions. Move the mouse to the top of the application again and click the arrow button on the right to exit the minimal mode.


In addition to the main body of writing, we sometimes need to record some fragmented or structured information in order to organize writing ideas or provide reference for subsequent writing. In this case, you can consider using the whiteboard function.

Click the button in the top middle of the left directory panel to switch to the whiteboard list, as shown below:


On the whiteboard interface, you can add Notes, Images, Checklists, Tables, Kanbans and other data formats to facilitate recording various types of information and data. As shown below:


Data and Security

All the data of WonderPen is saved locally in an easy-to-parse format (JSON), and you can also export them to text, Markdown and other formats at any time, this means:

  1. Your data belongs to you, you can export complete data at any time, or migrate to other writing software at any time;
  2. Your data is safe, and your works will not be uploaded to the WonderPen server, so it will not be lost or leaked due to the failure of the WonderPen server;
  3. Your writing work does not depend on the server. Even if there is no network, you can still use WonderPen to write.

If you want to synchronize work on multiple computers, you can choose to save the working directory in Dropbox, OneDrive or other cloud drives, or even use tools such as Git and SVN for version management.


In addition to the content introduced above, WonderPen also has many thoughtful features, such as Dark Mode that can be switched to dark tones, so as to reduce eye fatigue when using it for a long time.

WonderPen is committed to helping authors to write better, and in the continuous iteration, if you have any ideas or suggestions for WonderPen, feel free to contact us.